How to Train a Puppy for Post-Lockdown Life with Michelle Suarez (Episode 71)

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Are you and your puppy prepared for post-lockdown life?

This episode of The Dog Show features Michelle Suarez. Michelle is the Manager of Rescue and Behavior Programs at Humane Society Silicon Valley. She lends her experience to help save animals, provide training, and aid the adoption process. 

In the interview, we discuss the puppy behavioral problems caused by lockdowns, and how you can train a puppy for post-pandemic life.

Topics covered:

  • What behavior problems are most common with dogs before they are rehomed?
  • How long does it take to rehome a shelter dog?
  • What dog behavioral issues have been caused by lockdowns?
  • How do you plan for post-lockdown life with your dog?
  • What behaviors can you teach your dog to prepare for post-lockdown?

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How to Train a Puppy for Post-Lockdown Life with Michelle Suarez (Episode 71)