Why Do I Find It Hard to Settle My Dog? Featuring Taylor Wheeler (Episode 69)

Why Do I Find It Hard to Settle My Dog? Featuring Taylor Wheeler

Is your dog hyper or unsettled? Do you find it hard to settle them down?

In this episode of The Dog Show, featuring Taylor Wheeler,we discuss why dogs become unsettled and how you can settle a restless dog.

Taylor is the founder of Dog Training Lifestyle and the Pink Paw Program. She is a certified dog behaviourist and energy dog trainer that has been studying canine obedience, behaviour, psychology, and training for over 10 years.

Topics covered:

  • How do I know if my dog is unsettled?
  • What is the difference between dog anxiety and being unsettled?
  • Why won’t my dog settle down?
  • How do you settle a restless dog at home?
  • How do you settle a restless dog outside the home?
  • Are any breeds more susceptible to being unsettled?

Find out more about Taylor here:

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Why Do I Find It Hard to Settle My Dog? Featuring Taylor Wheeler (Episode 69)